Test Prep
Basic Test Prep, PSAT, SAT, PreACT & ACT Test
Preparation Programs
Not everyone knows how to successfully take a test. There are certain skills that everyone can learn that will help to lessen anxiety and create a positive test taking environment no matter where you are.
In addition to teaching basic Test Prep skills, Xornada is passionate about helping students prepare for PSAT, SAT, PreACT and ACT tests. Higher scores on these assessment exams help students get accepted to their desired college and can be used to help obtain scholarships and grants.
One-on-One Test Preparation Programs
PSAT & PreACT Preparation- 16 hours
In these sessions, high school students will learn the difference between the PSAT and the PreACT. They will learn how to study for the new PSAT (revised in 2016) and the PreACT. With real practice test issued by the College Board, your student will learn how to effectively eliminate wrong answers and avoid the tricks built into the test.

SAT & ACT Preparation- 19 hours
In these sessions, high school students will learn the difference between the SAT and the ACT. They will learn how to study for the new SAT (revised in 2016) or the ACT. Receive test taking tips straight from the test writers. Prepare with real practice test issued by the College Board and learn effective tips that help you avoid the tricks and traps most test takers fall into.

Ultimate Test Prep- 35 hours
These sessions are for the high school student that plans on taking the SAT and the ACT tests. Students will learn everything taught in the individual prep classes and receive the materials, practice test and tips for both assessment test.
SAT & ACT Subject Test Preparation - 6 hours per subject
If you are struggling with any individual subject on the SAT or ACT and need a little refresher, boost or intensive review, these sessions are for you. Or if you have taken the PSAT/SAT or PreACT/ACT and have identified a subject you struggled in... these sessions can make a world of difference and raise your scores.

College Application Essay Writing -
(Sessions arranged on an hourly basis)
These sessions are designed to teach high school students the do's and dont's of college application essay writing. What do colleges look for? What sets you apart from the other thousands of graduates applying to your dream school? Learn how to craft an essay that will have colleges chasing after you!
Basic Test Taking Skills -
(Sessions arranged on an hourly basis)
These sessions are for those students, of all ages, that freeze up or have anxiety when it comes to testing. Students will learn basic test taking skills that will help them be more prepared, more confident and less anxious during test taking.